CVI-Related Books
Check Out Her Books HereAuthor, independent writer, previous teacher, and mother, Grace Anne, enjoys writing books (adults and children) for a broad audience. In addition to a degree in art and experience with storytelling, she designs and creates books for children with Cerebral Palsy and CVI (Cortical Visual Impairment), including their parents and teachers.
Knowing what it's like having a child with multiple severe diagnosis' from birth, including cerebral palsy and cortical visual impairment (CVI), Grace Anne has devoted herself to creating material she never had easy access to initially. Her child has been a blessing in her life and her life circumstances have motivated her to advocate for him while increasing her own knowledge on his conditions. Seeing the difference that resources, supports, products, books, and the right knowledge have given her son in terms of quicker development and a better quality of life. One of her desires in the books she creates is to not only to inspire a general fiction audience, but also to inspire, equip, and empower parents, practitioners, and therapists with tools they need to help children with disabilities thrive and overcome their own obstacles, whatever those may be.
Grace Anne enjoys using all of her gifts, knowledge, experiences, and talents to create books that many can enjoy and hopefully continue to be inspired by for many years to come!